Semiconductor Technology Roadmap Committee of Japan

Number of members: 7 companies


The Semiconductor Technology Roadmap Committee of Japan predicts technological advancement by item in semiconductors for next 15 years, cooperating with International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors - ITRS.

Introduction of the projects


Semiconductor technology advancement needs cooperation of semiconductor related industries, other than the industry efforts.
The committee presents a picture of future technology to process industry including manufacturing equipment and measuring device,
semiconducting material industry, universities, independent administrative agencies, research and development consortiums and others.

More specifically:

  1. To draw up a roadmap named ITRS summarizing issues and solutions to realize technologies required for the future semiconductor industry, both in short(1-6 years) and mid-and-long(7-15 years) term.
  2. To contribute to the semiconductor industry in Japan through technology roadmap activities by each working group.
    To promote roadmap activities and to share the information regarding perspective on semiconductor technology within the industry.
    To offer the information for the practical use to semiconductor-related industries including manufacturing equipment, measuring device, materials, and to offer the information for the direction of research projects to universities and/or research institutions in a timely manner.

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