To represent and resolve various issues which the Japan-based
Semiconductor Industry is in common facing, in terms of
trade rules, intellectual property rights, standardization,
ESH(environment, safety, and health), and technology development.
Not only short-term but also mid- and long-term issues are being addressed.
- Promotion of free trade based on WTO philosophies
- Protection of intellectual property and creating a healthy environment for competition
- Promotion of semiconductor environment policies to preserve the global environment
- Promotion of suitable taxation and deregulation to encourage sound industrial growth
- Technological consolidation to support industrial competitiveness
- Standardization to enhance economical efficiency, improve customer convenience and to streamline semiconductor business
- Helpful provision of information to meet the needs of member companies
- Surveys on semiconductors and their applications to serve as guidelines for assessing trends in the semiconductor market
- Public relations activities to encourage greater understanding of semiconductors and to promote the growth and consolidation of the semiconductor industry
- Establishment of frameworks for creating new markets in aim of collaboration with the customer industries