Greeting from the Chairperson of the Semiconductor Board

Masayoshi Takemi
Masayoshi Takemi,
Chairperson, Semiconductor Board (JSIA)

In recent years, global conditions have undergone unprecedented and rapid changes. Regarding societal challenges, addressing climate change has come into sharper focus, with countries around the world accelerating their efforts toward sustainable future under the slogan of GX (Green Transformation). Additionally, the development and utilization of digital technologies, including AI, are key in all areas of societal activities and significantly impact Japan's international competitiveness. Furthermore, risks related to economic security are increasingly recognized as a tangible threat that influences national security.

These significant global changes are increasingly being recognized as directly linked to the semiconductor industry. There is a growing consensus that the evolution and innovation of semiconductors have a strong potential to support and drive both Japan and the world in a better direction. At the same time, the current situation is seen as an opportunity for Japan's semiconductor industry to make substantial leaps forward.

As Japan's semiconductor industry enters this critical phase, it is essential now more than ever for industry, government, and academia to collaborate closely and converge their efforts to drive strategic initiatives with both strength and urgency on the global stage.

The JEITA Semiconductor Board (JSIA) is committed to activities aimed at addressing various challenges common to the semiconductor industry, including policy proposals, human resource development, regional development, and trade issues. Additionally, it will promote standardization and respond to environmental issues. We will also collaborate with overseas semiconductor associations through the World Semiconductor Conference (WSC) and deliver proposals to the Government/Authorities Meeting on Semiconductors (GAMS).

We will continue to work together with all our committee members to contribute to the digital innovation, green innovation, and economic security through the development of Japan's semiconductor industry. We would appreciate your further understanding and support.

July 2024

Masayoshi Takemi (Ph.D.)
Chairperson, Semiconductor Board (JSIA)
Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)

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