Semiconductor Steering Committee

Number of members: 8 companies


Aiming for the further growth of the semiconductor industry, the Semiconductor Steering Committee supports the Semiconductor Board and its Board Meeting.
The committee develops a strategy, and controls and coordinates among subordinate committees under the instruction of the Executive Board.


  1. To set up and run the board meetings and debrief sessions.
  2. To develop and review of the mid-term activities report.
  3. To Strengthen the organization, close coordination with other industries and other boards in JEITA, planning of a strategy, and review of its membership.
  4. Public relations including a press conference.
  5. To enhance the cooperation with Policy & Strategy Board.
  6. To maintain a good balance between project and its cost based on Executive Board's instruction.
  7. To steer the Semiconductor Board and other subordinate committees.
  8. To support the Semiconductor Policy & Operation Committee, Semiconductor Technology Committee and Semiconductor International Affairs Committee.
  9. To stipulate the change of chairperson of each committee, approval of project plans, administrative regulations including membership, management procedure and others.
  10. To collect the fundamental statistical data including industry statistics.

Alert on Semiconductor Counterfeits JEITA Guideline for F-GHG EDA SMTJ